Purposeful Movement Is There For You If You Need Individual Private Sessions

A private session usually lasts an hour. The first session is usually 90 minutes, with extra time for information gathering and getting to know each other. For younger children, shorter sessions are an option. For adults, an hour is standard, with occasional 90 minute sessions as needed.

As the mother of a child with a disability, Katy especially loves working with children with all kinds of challenges, and their parents. Katy encourages parents to be involved and learn about the Brain Gym and/or Bal-A-Vis-X process and make a commitment to continue the “play” at home–helping to create a healthy, choice-filled lifestyle. The goal is that home programs are followed 5 days out of 7, for 10-20 minutes per day. In order to create strong new neural pathways, the brain needs regular repetition.

Also, if your child has developmental challenges, cleaning up their diet is essential. Katy can recommend books and professionals to help with finding the proper nutrition for your child’s particular biochemistry.